The dog
skin & coat care essentials for summer.
Beach adventures are the best kind, but just like us humans the harsh elements can lead to damaged, dry and itchy skin. Beach babies need a skin routine, like yours.
Active beach dogs are exposed to constant external irritations. Sand trapped between the paws and in the coat can cause many problems.
Check out our solutions below:
The sun, sand and saltwater can be dehydrating and damaging but is hard to avoid when it's their favourite part of summer. So it's even more essential to use lipid-rich products to keep your dog's skin and coat nourished and replenished. Using nourishing products 1-2 times a week can maintain a stronger, more resilient layer which is vital during summer. Dry skin and coats are prone to irritations, itchiness, dullness, tangles and dandruff. A glass of replenishment keeps all those away.
Paw Care Duo Kit
Tangles, knots and matting can be stressful for both dog and owner. It can result in full-body shavings or bare patches. A matting crisis is just around the corner when tangles are left to their own devices. Matting is painful for dogs and harmful to the skin's microbiome underneath it all. Keep tangles at bay with the No Tangles Kit. A clean coat is always easier to detangle. Don't forget to brush the Conditioning Fur Mask through the coat when applied. Once towel dried, rub the Fur & Body Dry Oil in the ends. In between washes, use the Oil to brush through any tangles or knots with the bonus of them smelling delicious.
No Tangles Kit
Do I need to wash my dog after the beach? Every adventure doesn't need to end up with a long bath. But whatever you do, always rinse! No one likes sand stuck between their toes - clean paws are happy paws. Our no-bath needed options help cleanse those beach bodies and paws between bath days to keep them less irritated, nourished and odour free.
Keep day-to-day maintenance chill with our gentle, nourishing and easy to use range.
Post Daycare Kit
Want to know how to stop your dog from licking his or her paws? or stop your dog from itching? or stop your dog from chewing? Leaving dogs wet can be part of the equation. Trapped moisture is uncomfortable, leading to excessive licking, chewing and scratching. It also creates an unpleasant odour. Letting them 'dry off in the sun' is a common mistake in summer, especially for thick or long coats, skin folds, paws and ears. You wouldn't go for a swim or shower and not dry off properly - it's the same for them.